Goodbye - My friend

Goodbye My friend

Final goodbyes are hard and heartbreaking, leaving a gaping hole in your heart that can never be filled or healed.

These poems are about those final moments in life-

Where Are You Going - My friend

Where are you going my friend

I do not see a path ahead of you

Where are you going my friend

Do you not want me to come along with you

Where are you going my friend

Can you not see you are leaving me behind

Where are you going my friend

Your eyes are closed, and you are asleep

Where are you going my friend

Are you taking the mighty leap

Where are you going my friend

I see you cannot breathe

Where are you going my friend

Please don't leave me

Where are you going my friend

Is this the end

Where are you going

Don't leave my friend


Hold my hand, my friend

Don't go just yet, my friend.

Hold my hand

Get up

Let us relive our happy days

Times when we laughed

Talked till dawn

Laughed till tears rolled down our cheeks

Argued about this and that

Agreed to disagree

Just like true friends would do

Let us relive the happy times

Once again

Dont go just yet

Hold my hand, my friend

Let us walk into the next day

Where the sun shines

And we get to live

Another day

 Images - pixabay



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