Voices whisper in my head
Day and night
Tears streaming down my face
Thinking of what happened
Precious lives lost
Loved ones left behind
With nothing but memories
Memories to hold on forever
Only memories
Just another day
Leaving home to return
Just another day
Suddenly things are not the same
The day turns into a nightmare
In a matter of seconds
Breath being blown out of life
Still lifeless lying dead
In dark pools of red
There is no returning home
Loved ones waiting eagerly
To hear a familiar knock on the door
A voice of a loved one
Saying "Hello I'm home"
The wait is endless
Hope lost with news
Life has ended
Precious lives
For the countless lives lost
Sun sets forever
Darkness prevails
The sun never shines
For those left behind
Breath being blown out of life
Still lifeless lying dead
In dark pools of red
There is no returning home
Loved ones waiting eagerly
To hear a familiar knock on the door
A voice of a loved one
Saying "Hello I'm home"
The wait is endless
Hope lost with news
Life has ended
Precious lives
For the countless lives lost
Sun sets forever
Darkness prevails
The sun never shines
For those left behind
And for the departed
Poetry prompt provided by Poets on the Page
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